Paid (Fee-Based) Events

Elaine Eisenbeisz, Owner and Principal Statistician of Omega Statistics, is available for training and workshops in statistics, clinical research, process control/quality assurance, and other topics related to statistics and good research practices. Please call or email the Omega Statistics offices to request the latest brochure and pricing for the event(s) that interests you.

Current offerings and scheduled events are listed below.

In addition to the current offerings listed below, Elaine can design an in-house training or virtual webinar to meet your specific needs. Just give her a call at 951-691-9586 or fill out the contact form on this page to leave her a message and she’ll contact you to schedule a time to discuss your needs and how she can help!

Skills Training

Thank You – We will be in touch!

Contact Elaine!


Currently Available Offerings:

2-Day (In-Person or Virtual) Seminars/Workshops:

NOTE: In-person events are not being scheduled at this time

• Biostatistics for the Non-Statistician
• Design of Experiments
• Statistics for Process and Quality Control
• Statistical Elements of Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls (CMC)
• Clinical Data Management
• Fundamentals of Clinical Trial Design
• Introduction to Adaptive Design
• Statistical Considerations for ICH Guidelines

6-Hour Virtual Webinars:

• Biostatistics for the Non-Statistician
• Regression and Beyond! Elements of Predictive Modeling in R
• Statistics for Process Control
• Statistics for Quality Control
• Statistics for Stability Testing
• Statistical Elements of Post Market Clinical Follow-Up (PMCF)
• Categorical Data Analysis

4-Hour Virtual Webinars:

• Multiple Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, and Survival Analysis
• Applied Time Series Analysis in Health Care
• Statistical Elements of PK/PD Analysis

90 Minute or 2-Hour Virtual Webinars:

• Hypothesis Testing, P-Values, and Inference: When Thinking Like a Statistician Makes Sense
• Is my Data Normal? Normality Tests and Transformations
• Multiple Imputation for Missing Data
• Power Analysis and Sample Size
• Equivalency and Non-Inferioirty Tests
• Preparing a Statistical Analysis Plan
• MedDRA Basics
• Probability Basics
• Statistical Elements of Real-Time qPCR
• Understanding Clinical Trial Reports
• Propensity Score Matching in Observational Studies
• Multiplicity: When and How to Adjust for Multiple Testing
• Calculations for Process and Product Capability
• Statistical Elements of Sample Size Calculations for Non-Clinical Verification and Validation Studies
• ICH-GCP: Elements of Good Clinical Practice

Currently Scheduled Fee Based Events

Omega Statistics has contracted with 3rd party companies to present the following fee based events. The events are listed in chronological order. Please click on the links that interest you to learn more and to register.

Upcoming Events

90-Minute Webinar: Statistical Tips and Techniques for Handling Missing Data

August 27, 2024

Learn More About the Statistical Tips and Techniques for Handling Missing Data Webinar

If you work with data, you should attend this webinar. Real life data is not pretty. It is messy and often incomplete. There are many ways to handle missing data and many of these ways are not the best. There are better ways to handle missing-ness in your data. Not perfect, but better.

Just removing records (listwise deletion) with missing data can reduce the power of your study and result in Type II error (when the effects are truly there, but you don’t have enough power to achieve statistical significance). And, many of the adjustments that researchers use for handling missing data introduce bias into the data. For instance, one of the most common problems with many of the techniques is a reduction in standard error of the estimates, which results in inflated Type I errors (seeing significant findings when they do not truly exist).

Good power and low bias are hard to control to begin with. It is important to learn how to handle missing-ness to make efficient use of our data to achieve accurate and precise results. Some knowledge of linear regression is desired.

6-Hour Webinar: Statistics for Process Control

August 29-30, 2024 (3 hours each day)

Learn More About the Statistics for Process Control Webinar

This 6-hour virtual seminar includes a presentation of the steps and techniques used to quantify variability in manufacturing processes, and to assure quality products.

The concepts and information presented will be mainly concerned with statistical process control: obtaining monitoring information (data) that is objective, unbiased, and useful for decision making. An emphasis will be placed on the set-up and use of control charts.

The objective of the seminar is to provide information that can be used immediately by personnel involved in production operations, and by supervisors and management in decision making. Although the presentation involves use of statistical techniques, presentation of statistical theory will be limited to only what is needed by the attendees to understand and implement processes and monitoring tools within the statistical framework.

Presented examples will include an emphasis on the manufacturing processes and quality assurance needs of product in the medical device and pharmaceutical industries.

Process control is constantly evolving. Therefore, historical concepts, current trends and regulatory requirements will be discussed. The presentation of statistical charts and analyses, graphical techniques for planning, trouble-shooting and problem solving will also be presented.

2-Day Virtual Seminar: Biostatistics for the Non-Statistician

September 19-20, 2024

Learn More About the Biostatistics for the Non-Statistician Seminar

Statistics is a useful decision-making tool in the clinical research arena. When working in a field where a p-value can determine the next steps on development of a drug or procedure, it is imperative that decision makers understand the theory and application of statistics.

Many statistical softwares are now available to professionals. However, these softwares were developed for statisticians and can often be daunting to non-statisticians. How do you know if you are pressing the right key, let alone performing the best test?

This seminar provides a non-mathematical introduction to biostatistics and is designed for non-statisticians. And it will benefit professionals who must understand and work with study design and interpretation of findings in a clinical or biotechnology setting.

The focus of the seminar is to give you the information and skills necessary to understand statistical concepts and findings as applies to clinical research, and to confidently convey the information to others.

Emphasis will be placed on the actual statistical (a) concepts, (b) application, and (c) interpretation, and not on mathematical formulas or actual data analysis. A basic understanding of statistics is desired, but not necessary.

2-Day Virtual Seminar: Introduction to Design of Experiments (DoE): Methods and Analysis

September 26 and 27, 2024

Learn More About the Design of Experiments Seminar

In today’s data-driven world, making informed decisions is crucial for success. Design of Experiments (DoE) provides a structured approach to investigate relationships between variables, eliminating guesswork of what is important, leading to reliable outcomes. DoE enhances efficiency by allowing simultaneous examination of multiple factors, saving time and providing a comprehensive understanding of systems.

Professionals across various fields greatly benefit from using DoE. Scientists and researchers can conduct rigorous experiments, engineers can optimize manufacturing processes, pharmaceutical professionals can develop new treatments, and marketers can understand consumer behavior better. Mastering DoE is essential for effective decision-making, efficiency, and innovation.

To harness the full potential of DoE, consider attending our 2-Day Virtual Seminar on Design of Experiments. Elaine Eisenbeisz, Owner of Omega Statistics, will provide practical insights and demonstration of DOE models. Minitab statistical software will be used in the training. Whether you’re a scientist, engineer, marketer, or industry professional, this seminar will equip you with the skills to implement DoE effectively, driving success in your field.

2-Day Virtual Seminar: Biostatistics for the Non-Statistician

October 17-18, 2024

Learn More About the Biostatistics for the Non-Statistician Seminar

Statistics is a useful decision-making tool in the clinical research arena. When working in a field where a p-value can determine the next steps on development of a drug or procedure, it is imperative that decision makers understand the theory and application of statistics.

Many statistical softwares are now available to professionals. However, these softwares were developed for statisticians and can often be daunting to non-statisticians. How do you know if you are pressing the right key, let alone performing the best test?

This seminar provides a non-mathematical introduction to biostatistics and is designed for non-statisticians. And it will benefit professionals who must understand and work with study design and interpretation of findings in a clinical or biotechnology setting.

The focus of the seminar is to give you the information and skills necessary to understand statistical concepts and findings as applies to clinical research, and to confidently convey the information to others.

Emphasis will be placed on the actual statistical (a) concepts, (b) application, and (c) interpretation, and not on mathematical formulas or actual data analysis. A basic understanding of statistics is desired, but not necessary.

2-Day Virtual Seminar: Biostatistics for the Non-Statistician

November 7-8, 2024

Learn More About the Biostatistics for the Non-Statistician Seminar

Statistics is a useful decision-making tool in the clinical research arena. When working in a field where a p-value can determine the next steps on development of a drug or procedure, it is imperative that decision makers understand the theory and application of statistics.

Many statistical softwares are now available to professionals. However, these softwares were developed for statisticians and can often be daunting to non-statisticians. How do you know if you are pressing the right key, let alone performing the best test?

This seminar provides a non-mathematical introduction to biostatistics and is designed for non-statisticians. And it will benefit professionals who must understand and work with study design and interpretation of findings in a clinical or biotechnology setting.

The focus of the seminar is to give you the information and skills necessary to understand statistical concepts and findings as applies to clinical research, and to confidently convey the information to others.

Emphasis will be placed on the actual statistical (a) concepts, (b) application, and (c) interpretation, and not on mathematical formulas or actual data analysis. A basic understanding of statistics is desired, but not necessary.

Join the Stats for the Masses mailing list to receive the “Stats Grab Bag” email with useful resources and links relating to the work I do each week. I like to think of it as tidbits from practice. You’ll never know what you’ll get, but it could be just what you need!


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Accreditations and Memberships

Murrieta Chamber Of Commerce Logo
Better Business Bureau Logo
American Statistical Association